2012年3月14日 星期三


I am very proud to present to you this manual to help journalists cover disaster news safely and effective. Thanks to Chad Liu, Chang and Tien, they have done a lot for this manual. In addition, we are especially thankful for the interviewed journalists and managers. With your efforts and contributions, that is how to make the manual possible. Please check the following links for more details:
Media report about Chad Liu and the manual: http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/liveNews/news.php?no=614615&type=%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB
Download the manual: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2hzlMZzxd-ycVhYUFBGYzhTYkNpSXhoVlFxVzJNUQ/edit?pli=1
Julia in University of Washington, Seattle